Friday, November 5, 2010

Halloween Weekend

It has been awhile since I have updated but that is because I didn't hunt for about a two-week period.  I was busy with school and work.  Here are a few updates from the Halloween weekend.  I will add some trail cam pictures and videos soon as well.

  • Date - 10/30/10

  • Time - 4:00pm - 7:30pm

  • Location - Sam's - Climber tree stand located 50 yds into the woods from the back corner of mx track.

  • Weather - Clear, Sunny, Windy

  • Temperature - 50 F

  • Wind Direction -W

  • Number of Deer Sighted -  Bucks - 0 Does - 0

  • Age Structure - N/A

  • Side Notes:  I was skunked tonight.  I believe it was because of the high winds and clear skies at night.  I think most of the movement was being done during the night when the moon was out.

  • Date - 10/31/10

  • Time - 6:30am - 8:30am

  • Location - My house -  Ladder Treestand down front next to the path.

  • Weather - Clear, Sunny, Calm 

  • Temperature - 32 F

  • Wind Direction - N

  • Number of Deer Sighted -  Bucks - 1 Does -

  • Age Structure - 1 1/2

  • Side Notes:  I didn't see much movement, which was to be expected.  Sitting down front at my parents on a small parcel of land doesn't hold too many deer.  I usually only see one or two deer during morning sits and at most, four deer during the evening.  All I saw was a 1 1/2 year old 5 point.  He came walking down the path from our yard and walked right by me a few minutes before it was light out.  The only reason I know he had five points was because the trail cam took a picture of him as he walked by.  I will post a picture soon.

  • Date - 10/31/10

  • Time - 10:30am - 3:00pm

  • Location - Sam's - Treestand on the back side of the property behind sugar shanty, facing the house.

  • Weather - Clear, Sunny, Breezy

  • Temperature - 40-50 F

  • Wind Direction - N 5 -10mph

  • Number of Deer Sighted -  Bucks - 4 Does -1

  • Age Structure - 1 1/2, 2 1/2  

  • Side Notes:  After sitting at my house during the morning, I decided to head over to sams for a mid morning hunt.  Now that the rut is getting closer, I will begin to hunt the mid-day because bucks will be cruising, trying to find the first hot doe.  I got set up about 10:30 and a little after 11am, 7 does came in trotting from my right.  When they were about 40 yds behind me, a 16in 8 point came running down the hill towards them.  He was grunting and all fired up.  He chased them all off behind the swamp behind me and they disappeared for the rest of the day.  About an hour later I noticed some more chasing about 100 yds behind me to the left.  It was a few small bucks and a couple does.  Another hour later a different small buck came in behind me, pushing more does around as well.  It was an exciting sit and by far the best of the year.  It was good to see that many deer.

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